Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Little Alexplanation.

Welcome to my blog, Alexpedition! (Thank you Paul Hood)

Let me properly introduce my blog and tell you what I expect it to be.

I am going to eventually take a cross country trip. Not at some point in my life but pretty much now or at least soon. I want to have a space to blog about my trip, my experiences, the places and things and maybe even people I see along the way. So, Alexpedition! will be that place. I'll share with you my pictures and perhaps some video too.

When I tell people about my trip the most popular response is, "Why?" and then usually, "Where?" and eventually, "Can I go with you?" which is sometimes followed by "You're so lucky!"

So in the few short months I have left before I do this thing, I will try to examine those questions for myself and for you. I'll also try to share with you the planning that has gone on and is still going on to get this thing off the ground.

In answer to the question WHY? I have simply always wanted to. I am also not sure at this point how to NOT do it. I sometimes think I need to do it. It excites me when I think about it and scares me when I wake up in the middle of the night knowing I am actually planning on doing it.

Besides that, TWO dozen roses had sent me to the therapist's office. There I found waiting for me; depression, empty nest syndrome and ME. And lucky me this time I found a GOOD therapist. No more eating from garbage cans and kicking coke machines. It was time to get this right.

I sat pouting across from this woman who seemed to never talk much above a whisper. I just really wanted to know why everyone had left, where had they gone and had any of them left a forwarding address. She wanted to talk about ME. And I really didn't want to talk about ME. It took me a while to even think about ME. She had no idea how frightened I was to find myself stuck all alone with ME. No one did. Can we just REWIND this thing???...NOPE!!

She told me..."This is finally a time in your life for YOU!"

The thought was in a word: OVERWHELMING. Who wants to spend THAT much time with ME? I certainly didn't.

She asked me..."What exactly were you going to do with yourself BEFORE you had your daughter?"

I was just so happy that she came along and saved ME from having to even THINK about that.

So I thought about it...and for those who have never been, you don't get it in the office...or even on the elevator ride downstairs...they plant it like a seed in your mind.

So...from as early as I can recall I've wanted to be...

1. Safe
2. able to sleep
3. not kissed and hugged when relatives come in the door.
4. I want a pony...I prayed for it every Sunday in church.

...BE...Alex what did you want to BE???

5. a veterinarian (but every kid always wants to be that.)
6. Perfect for sure.
7. not bored
8. clean :)
9. a doctor (no that's what my mother wanted me to be)

Oh YES!!!!! That's it.


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